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Chico's Gift Cards and eGift Cards may be redeemed for your merchandise purchase at (US orders only), Chico's US boutiques and outlets, or by phone at 888.855.4986. When you make a merchandise purchase with your Chicos Gift Card or eGift Card, the value of your purchase plus any shipping and handling fees and sales tax, if applicable, will be automatically deducted from your available balance. You may check any remaining value online or by calling Customer Service at 888.855.4986. You may not add value back onto your Gift Card or eGift Card or redeem it for cash, except as required by law. Chico's Gift Cards and eGift Cards do not expire and have no fees. Your Gift Card or eGift Card number may be deactivated if issued or procured fraudulently. This card is distributed by a third party.
Macy's Terms and Conditions apply to all gift cards, see back of card for details. The Macy's name and logo are registered trademarks of Macy's Inc.
Nordstrom is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this promotion.
The Bullseye Design, Target and Target GiftCards are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer. is not a sponsor of this program. Zappos, and the logo are trademarks of Zappos IP, Inc.